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membru din 15 June 2018

3-Intreab-o pe Ana-3

Ana/13 ani.Busteni.Intreaba-ma baby!
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Comentarii album • 4

iixMissionImpossible 8 August 2018  
Film preferat?
Melodie preferata?
Răspunde Raportează
MilkacuOreo 8 August 2018  
Gitanas,Clona,Inger salbatic,Poveste de cartier.
Babi Minune-Trec tiganii
Răspunde Raportează
wanderer 16 June 2018  
If you could pick anyone to play you in a movie, who would it be?
If your life was a movie, what kind of soundtrack would it have?
Which animated character do you feel you most connect with?
Which live-action character do you feel you most connect with?
If there was one place you could take a road trip to, where would it be and why?
What is a quality you value most in a relationship (or potential relationship) if you could only choose one?
Which quality do you value most in a fictional relationship?
Have you ever participated in a sport? (If so, name it or list them if you’ve participated in more than one).
What is the best advice a teacher, coach, or other mentor has ever given you?
If you could draw or paint an entire series of something, what would it be and why? (For example, a painter may elect to paint a series of works using the same three colors for each painting).
If you could be any mythological creature, what would you be?
Which character made a more substantial impact on your childhood than you realized back then?
Do you like to accessorize your outfits?
Do you like fairytales?
If you could sit down and talk with any fictional character, who would it be? What would you talk about?
Would you rather own a cabin by the woods, a country home, a condo by the beach, or an apartment in the city?
Is there a fictional character you used to relate to, but don’t anymore?
Do you enjoy spending time in or near gardens?
What would you consider to be the perfect romantic getaway?
What would you consider to be the perfect vacation destination with friends?
Răspunde Raportează
MilkacuOreo 16 June 2018  
Ramona din Poveste de Cartier
Poiana Tapului
O mare calitate este ca acel baiat cu care e sa fiu impreuna sa aiba un suflet bun.
Am mai zis.
Dans popular,tiganesc,spaniol,latino,salsa,rumba,samba,cha-cha.
Profesoara de religie mi-a zis sa nu mai fiu asa timida si sa am mai multa incredere in mine,si sa nu mai pun la suflet rautatile celor din jur.
Multe inimi si stelute colorate sclipitoare.
Mica Sirena
Cu Mica Sirena.As vrea sa vad cum e sa fii sirena si sa traiesti in apa.
O casa la tara.
Mi-ar placea sa ma sarut pe plaja,la apus de soare,pe malul marii,sa fac dragoste-n mare,sau intr-un rau langa o pajiste,sau sa ma sarut pe o pajiste-ntinsa langa un rau,iar cand se face noapte sa facem un foc de tabara.
La Paris
Răspunde Raportează
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